Monday, April 13, 2020

Finnley is FOUR

Oh my dear sweet Finnley, you are FOUR! 
 in tradition: last photo as a 3 year old

We celebrated your birthday here at home, definitely not how we had imagined this day would go. Thankfully you didn't seem to be bothered by it and enjoyed your day.
We did all of your favorite things:
pancakes for breakfast
playing outside
chocolate cake for dessert
Dada home all day

 if I were to guess what your top two Love Languages would be, I would have to guess that they are Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch and that Receiving Gifts would be the very last one...though whenever you do receive a gift you are so elated and so very gracious.

My dear Finnley you are so so sweet. You are kind. You are goofy and silly. You have so much energy and love to laugh. You are a great sleeper, a wonderful helper, a super picky eater, have lots of emotions, and you are such a joy.

I am so grateful for all this time with you and that we get to all be home together.  I am choosing to focus on the positive, but I know how much you are missing out on during this quarantine.  You were making such strides at Preschool, being so brave and energetic, and thoroughly enjoying life as it was intended...just how I've dreamed for you.  I hope that you'll get to return soon and continue to grow.

 I love you so, my darling sweet Finnley.  Happy 4th Birthday!



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