Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Happy Birthday Ellie!!

Ellie is SIX!!

I remember so much about her so vividly:
+ the drive over to Spokane the day before she was born
+ the stop at McDonald's on the way to the hospital (that took 45 minutes to get our food)
+ waiting in our hospital room for them to bring her to us
+ hearing her cries as they brought her down the hallway to our room and the tears that flooded when they placed her in my arms...I was finally a Mama!!!

As her birthday was approaching this year, she had a much better grasp on time and dates.  Despite my joking to just skip Tuesday altogether so she would stay 5, she would have nothing to do with it and was adamant that she was turning 6 no matter what!  She wanted us to crawl into her bed in the morning to wake her up and be sure to sing the birthday song! The sweetest ever!  Her joy, excitement, and enthusiasm for her birthday was so heartwarming and fun to experience.  This has been the best year yet and I have a feeling things are just going to keep getting better and better!

We stopped at the doughnut shop for her classmates on the way to school. She was sure to tell everyone in the shop "It's my birthday today, I'm six you know!"

 I dropped her off with a big kiss and told her I would see her soon!

Finnley had swim lessons, then we went back home for a little bit before it was time to go back to Ellie's school for her classroom party.

We passed out doughnuts, her class sang to her, there was an assembly she wanted us to attend, and then we joined her for recess! We hung out in her classroom a little bit longer and then when she was dismissed to her reading group we went out into the car to watch a movie (we only had 30 minutes until school was out) before she got into the car.

Her dinner request was the Spaghetti Factory and all she really wanted was the sourdough bread and ice cream!  She made sure to let our hostess and waiter know that it was her birthday and was so worried that she was going to miss her Birthday Song while she was in the restroom.

We stopped at Target on the way home so that she could pick out an LOL doll because she's been wanting one for 100 years! and could not wait to get home to open it!

When we got home it was cake and she got to open her LOL doll.  We finished off the night with some Masha and Bear.

It was so much fun! I can't believe she is already 6 and only 6 at the same time, it feels like she has always been here with us.

Sweet Ellie Faith, I love being your Mama and celebrating you is one of my favorite things to do!

♥ Ashley

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♥ Ashley