Tuesday, January 7, 2020

My Word for 2020

My Word for 2020 is to Be Bold

To take risks, to be confident and courageous, to be daring

This is what I want to be! To live without fear and do be myself boldly. To not worry what others think because at the end of the day we are more concerned with ourselves than what other did or didn’t do.

I want to share boldly: my losses, my wins, my thoughts, my dreams, my passions, my business, things I’m loving, changes I’m making

And for the first time, I’m combining my word with an oil to help me be more intentional with who I want to be come December. Valor is the oil I chose, it’s our bravery oil, our oil for courage. I’ve seen first hand the difference it’s made in Finnley’s life and now it’s my turn to utilize its magic

In addition to my Word of the Year, I’m also making a pledge to help the environment. My Pledge is to “Skip the Bag”.  Plastic bags are my nemesis and I get so overwhelmed with frustration at the store, baggers automatically put your groceries into plastic bags, target puts everything into plastic bags, clothing stores use plastic bags. I get so disgusted leaving the store seeing baskets full of plastic bagged items. It needs to STOP! So I’m pledging to bring my reusable bags with me, make some produce bags out of old tshirts we don’t wear any more, and to try to choose unpackaged items.  If I find myself at a store without my bags, I’m going to inconvenience myself and skip the bag.  Wouldn’t it be incredible to live life without plastic bags?

Do you have a Word for 2020? Or a Pledge?  Tell me what it is!

💚 Ashley

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♥ Ashley