Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Finnley’s Forever Day

 These days are always so special and while we’re not spending it how we would traditionally, we're doing the best we can to make the most of it.


In true Finnley fashion, we just laid low and spent time together and doing her favorite things.  We go off the cues of our children and being together and playing is just what Finnley wants. No big to dos, no over the top gifts, just the simple little things are what she loves.

My dear sweet Finn, we are so forever grateful for you.  You came into our lives and joined our family after one of our greatest losses.  You brought us hope, love, and so much joy.  Your kindness and sweetness brings us so much happiness. You are fierce and a force to be reckoned with.  We are forever learning, adjusting, and trying out new strategies to best support you.  You challenge us, fill us with laughter, frustrate us, and make us overflow with love.  Our very own Sour Patch Kid, that has led us down a path of learning, advocating, making changes, embracing, questioning, and knowing better so we can start doing better.

Our life is so much more colorful with you in it. Your love of rainbows and unicorns. Your excitement over the little things. Your sweet gestures and willingness to be a team player.  Your desire to be a helper and abundant love for your family.

Happy Forever Day, sweet Finnley.  I am so glad you are mine, I love you so.



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♥ Ashley