Monday, May 11, 2020

Mother’s Day 2020

For Mother's Day, we usually go on some sort of adventure and most often its Garden related.  Since the world is still going mad, we stayed home and I got to work outside and cross some things off my list.  I've been keeping myself pretty busy on the farm.  With the chickens, building their Coop, building the Greenhouse, and completing some raised bed boxes to start our garden this year.

So grateful for these three beautiful children that made me a Mama. Life would NOT be the same without them.  I am constantly reminded of how special they are and how the choices I make for what comes into our home and what they are exposed to will affect them and all I want is the best for them.

We released our Butterflies that the kids got for Easter.  They were painted lady butterflys and so pretty.  it was so much fun and we definitely plan to do it again next year...multiple times.

I "finished" The Greenhouse and moved in my collection of pots I got from my mom.  The soil test is still going well.  I am loving this space so so much and am so happy that after 11 years its finally here!! I still want to put up some shelves and will decide what else needs to happen in here the more I use it.

and today....I got to get outside and build some more boxes for the garden.  I am just thrilled with how this is coming along and am loving our property so much more now that we've figured out how to utilize it better. We miss our horses but this is so much better for us right now.
I have two of my boxes already filled with some soil/compost and wanted to get the other four completed today so I can run out and get more and get to planting them up. Thomas was a great help, he took care of the kids so I could get out there and accomplish my goal and he dug the holes for my boxes to get into their permanent spots.

We finished off our afternoon with an injury.  Thomas was out front with the kids trimming our Maple tree and the clippers flew out of his hand and stabbed him in the leg.  I got to practice my First Aid skills that I used to teach, grabbed our oils, and got him all "fixed up".   I think he's going to be okay 😉


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♥ Ashley