Monday, August 6, 2012

Nominated for a Blog Award!!!

I wanted to give a big shout out to Kendra from "Adventures of Brad & Kendra" for nominating me for my first real Blog Award!!!

I have been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award!! The Liebster Award is given to bloggers from fellow bloggers.  It is a great way to recognize us smaller blogs with under 200 followers in hopes of helping them grow even more.

I am so pleased to have been recognized and hope that I can gain more just makes a girl feel happy. That's all, end of story.
When you are nominated, you are to do each of the following:
  • Tell 11 random facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions that the blogger who nominated you gave you to answer
  • Choose up to 11 other awesome blogs to nominate for the award
  • Come up with a list of 11 questions for your nominees to answer 

So here are my 11 random facts:

1. I have no sense of smell - seriously I cannot smell anything (well except for Icy Hot/Menthol).

2. I wanted to become a hair-dresser for my profession - but I was told I needed to go to college first and I found my passion for teaching.

3. I have never broken a bone in my body.

4. When I was five I dropped a mug on my big toe - I needed a needle to poke a hole to release the pressure - then my toenail fell off, I put it in a plastic sandwich bag under my pillow and I got $20 from the "Toenail Fairy".

5. I pretended that I was a mermaid like Ariel.

6. I chose to live in the All-Girl dorm in College.

7. I have never used a lawn mower in my life.

8. I grew up as a Hunter-Jumper and now jumping scares the life out of me - Western Pleasure all the way!!

9. I hate returning things in stores.

10. I don't know how to divide (I missed that day in school)

11. Incorrect grammar annoys the heck out of me - I always have to say the sentence correctly in my head before I can respond. (but I am sure I use it sometimes)

Answers to the 11 questions from Kendra:

  1. What is your favorite Olympic event? Women's Gymnastics all the way!! 
  2.  If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be? As I did this in college it would be Pasta with Pesto Sauce and Meatballs.
  3. What is the number one thing on your bucket list? To have a biological baby
  4. What is your favorite meal to make? Ribeye steak, Brewer Brown Rice, and Green Bean Casserole.
  5. What is the favorite thing you have posted about? Sharing my infertility and adoption journey has been incredibly healing.
  6. What is your favorite TV show? I can't choose just one: Gilmore Girls, Charmed, Covert Affairs, Heartland, too many to name.
  7. What is the best place you have ever vacationed? Europe can't wait to go back to England and check out Ireland
  8. If you could meet somebody famous, who would you pick? Christina Aguilera
  9. What is your number one wish for your blog? To have a strong supportive following and to connect with others who share similar interests.
  10. What is the best gift you have ever received? Getting to know my mom for 27 years.
  11. If you had a weekend that was completely open with no responsibilities, how would you spend it? I would go on a trail ride with my horses and husband, take the dogs to the dog park, and go to Ellensburg.
My nominee's are:
Rachel from Once Upon A Farm
Christina from The Slice
Ashley from diary of a real mom

Questions for my nominees:

1. What is the strangest place you have ever been?
2. What is your most embarrassing thing you did in High School?
3 What is your favorite accomplishment?
4. What is your favorite flower?
5. If you could compete in the Olympics what sport would you want it to be?
6. If you could live in any Era what would it be?
7. What was your favorite movie when you were growing up?
8. What is your favorite way to exercise?
9. What would your dream job be?
10. What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten?
11. If you were given $5,000 how would you spend it?

Thank you Kendra for nominating me!!

♥ Ashley

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♥ Ashley