Wednesday, August 8, 2018

10 Years!!

The Happiest Anniversary to my dearest friend, confidant and husband! 

It's hard to believe that 10 years have already passed since we both said "I do" in front of our family and friends but at the same time we have grown, changed, and experienced so much that 10 years hardly seems like long enough!

When we embarked on this journey of marriage 10 years ago, I knew that it would be a roller coaster and we would have some highs and lows. 
What I didn't anticipate was how low our lows would truly be.   Never did I imagine that we would face the woes of Infertility, multiple miscarriages, two emergency surgeries, one failed adoption match.  We also lost my mom to brain cancer while we were still in the depths of despair from our first miscarriage.  We survived through my tumultuous 6 year journey to find a stable teaching job, which never happened, only to find my true calling as a Nanny. And I lost my horse who had been a part of my life longer than he hadn't been due to a brain aneurysm.
But what all of these trials have shown me is that you are my true partner in life.  It is with your presence, support and love that we made it through all of these tough times and that we do not dwell on them.  Rather we focus on all the positives we have in our life together and for that I am truly grateful.

Our highs have been higher than I could have imagined and I wouldn't want to experience this life with anyone but you!  We have traveled all over: Mexico, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Russia, Finland, Sweden, St. Kitts, Dominica, St. Thomas, St. Maarten, Barbados and Disneyland more times than I can count.  We've made some major home improvements making our house a home. We had the successful adoptions of our two girls and now through a successful round of IVF we have welcomed our sweet baby boy into our home and family.  We've added goats to our farm and embarked on a sustainable form of living trying to do what we can to support life for the future.  We've had many laughs together and at each other.
Doing life with you is so much better than I thought it was going to be and I love growing older with you and developing a new sense of self.  You have made me more confident in my abilities, helped me to stand for what I believe in and supported me in all my wacky plans.

I love you forever.

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♥ Ashley