Eats: She loves her bottles. Butternut Squash is the major hit of the year! She loves that stuff. Also beans, peas, broccoli, squash/pear and rice cereal. I finally got some store bought baby food and she likes her mama's cooking better! But it's nice to have it on hand.
Sleeps: IN HER OWN ROOM!! Big change but she hasn't even noticed. She is sleeping 8-10 hours at night. Her naps have been off since we have been talking during her naps and she doesn't want to miss a thing! Though she still sleeps swaddled. That will be the next thing.
Cries: when we push nap time or eating time. Not bad and usually can be consoled within minutes!
Goes: the Mall, Nanny and Papa's, to my gparents retirement home, to her uncle's house, restaurants, and my fave-the book store!
Wears: 3-6 month with some 6+ in the mix. Still fits into a few 0-3 sleepers but the feet are getting a little small.
Baby Gear Love: Exersaucer, Stroller, walker and kitchen utensils. Obviously Sophie is a huge hit as are her new Christmas presents!!
Milestones: Sleeps in her own room, claps her hands, shakes her head, and is this close to crawling!!!
Mama: I had so much fun celebrating Christmas with a little one. I just know they are just going to get better and more exciting as the years go on due to Ellie's (and future children) excitement! I have had a stomach bug this weekend which isn't too fun but feeling on the mend!! I am so glad I still have another 5 days at home with my little sweetie before going back to work!
Sweet little Ellie Faith, oh how I love you so! You are at my favorite age/stage right now. It's just going to get better from here!!
Such a cutie. Happy 2014!!