Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Séamus Weekly - week 10

Our sweet Séamus is 10 weeks old! That is just crazy to me.  We stayed home this week which probably isn't much of a shocker. I remember Ellie and Finnley's 10th week so well and here we are with Séa's.  I finally had the chance to stay home after school drop off for a couple of days and it was just so nice to be able to chill, get some things done around the house, and let the littles nap!!

Sleeps: little man has been an awesome the day time.  His nighttime sleep is leaving for much to be desired, he is probably sleeping 2-3 hour stretches but is super noisy with his grunting and such.  He is still sleeping in our room, in a combination of his Halo, Snuggleme and our bed. Also he does not sleep well if I've had anything to drink, like hard cider or even kombucha, so those are out for the time being. 😕

Eats: same thing as all the previous weeks.  I do have to say that his latch is so much better and breastfeeding is going really well.  He is quite the drooley little babe so sometimes I think there is a leak but it's probably just his excess drool.   I have just been nursing him on demand and don't really keep track of how often, he is still gaining weight (already 10lbs) so whatever we're doing is working. 😉

Goes: to his 2 month check up, and to Finnley's xRay appointment, grocery store and the pool.  I'm pretty sure that we're going to let him dip his toes into the pool next time!!

Wears: well I have officially gone through his drawers and removed all the newborn clothing.  So little man is now in 0-3 month clothing and filling it out quite nicely.  Also since he is a little bit bigger his feet are fitting into his footed onesies much better that he doesn't get fussy in them anymore.  We have quite the collection of this size so I'm excited to start dressing him in these clothes now!

Does: Séamus still is loving tummy time and can roll onto his back, he is playing with his hanging toys on his playmat way more.  He is smiling and cooing which is just the best and is so much more interactive.  Each week he is growing and able to do so much more and I just love him growing up.

Mama: I was standing there looking at Séamus last night as I changed his diaper (which he loves) I became overwhelmed with Joy that we have a BOY and that he is HERE!!  He is so much better than I ever imagined and while I wouldn't wish our difficult journey to Séamus on anyone, he was totally worth it all and I am so grateful that we didn't give up and gave IVF a chance!!  Séamus and I went to a Bunco night with my MOPs group on Friday and we had a great time.  I am still loving my new business and the fact that I get to share something I love with people is the best!

Sisiters: Finnley got her sling off and she now has TWO arms again!! Car rides have been immensely better, her attitude has improved and so far no finger sucking!!!  Her vocabulary has really taken off and I can understand so much more of what she is saying - which is a relief for all of us. Ellie is loving cheerleading and is really interested in "reading" which is just the best!!  She's been eating a much more varied diet and still really prefers her green vegetables!  Ellie is incredibly helpful and seriously has the sweetest heart.  Both girls are obsessed with baby bro, they love to help him with his paci, hold him pretty much all the time and smother him with kisses!

Previous weeks:

Finnley week 10
Ellie week 10

♥ Ashley

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♥ Ashley