Monday, March 3, 2014


Contrary to what you might believe, I actually used to be very much into fashion.  I was always "on trend" and most of the time that meant that I am embarrassed to look back and see the outfits I used to wear.  They were way to fashion forward and too trendy.
Now I have scaled back and tried to have a bit of a more classic style.  My go to are cardis, tanks/tees, a scarf and then skinnies.   I have recently gotten on the TOMS train and I have NO intention of getting off.  I love these shoes, but you can't go wrong with a pair of cowboy boots!

Every now and then I remember to take a photo of the outfits I put together. I am no fashionista (except I shop at TJ Maxx and Marshall's) so this is about as good as you are going to get!! I teach PE so most of my work clothes are workout related.  On occasion I "dress up".

Scarf: Marshalls
Jeans: Paris Blues from TJ Maxx (2010) also these were my last pair of jeans without a hole in them, shortly after this picture I squatted and ripped the but RIP!!
Tank: Old Navy
Black Shirt: JC Penney
Cardigan: Old Navy

I don't know what it was about this outfit but I just really liked the way it all came together.

Let me know if you like my fashion posts. If so I will work on having better ones!

♥ Ashley


  1. Sometimes the simplest outfits are the best!

  2. I always enjoy fashion posts! I worked in a salon for 5 years, so my clothes and "look" was always up to date. Now? Noooott so much. Oh well :)

  3. I love a simple classic outfit! I think you look adorable!

  4. Your go-tos are almost exactly the same as mine! Basically I love anything I can layer. And I've loved cardigans over tanks since I've been pregnant especially. :-)


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♥ Ashley