Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Séamus Weekly - week 15

Hold the door, Séamus is 15 weeks!! How did that happen?!! He is growing and changing and becoming quite the little love in our house. 

Eats: he must be going through a growth spurt because all he wants to do is eat and sleep eat.  We are nursing multiple times a day and what feels like All. Night. Long.  I absolutely love nursing and it is so much better than I ever imagined it would be.  I have been having some head tension lately so I've been using some Peppermint Essential Oil...which can reduce your supply so I'm trying to offset that by using some Fennel Essential Oil.  Little man seems satisfied so whatever I'm doing is working!

Sleeps: Séamus has been sleeping in his crib, the floor, his car seat, our arms, swaddled and not and has had a pretty good attitude about it all!!  He gets little smiles while he is sleeping and it is just the sweetest thing ever.

Goes: we celebrated our niece's 3rd birthday at a bouncy house place, the girls had a blast and  Séamus and I dipped out early to head to a baby shower.  We were so busy enjoying living in the moment that I failed big time at getting any photos.  Séamus didn't participate on any of bounce houses, he just got held by the gparents and nursed while we were there.  We also made a trip to Costco, and then just the regular outings.

Wears: I have put a couple of t shirts on him and he is so freakin cute.  I am making a point to try and get every single one of his 0-3 month clothing item on him.  He really is just so much fun to dress and he is still wearing size 1 diapers.

Does: Séamus still is a huge fan of tummy time.  He can roll over from belly to back and also from back onto his side.  He has been bringing his knees up under his belly and wiggles all around, he no longer stays in one spot! He laughs, smiles, and coos, and I am convinced he said "Mama" the other there you go 😉

Mama: Oh My GOSH!!! Y'all, I can fit into my pre-pregnancy pants!!!! I don't like to brag but I can't tell you how awesome that is to have pants that actually fit again!!  I am losing hair like crazy (pretty sure I could stuff a pillow or two) and while that makes me so sad, it is all worth it to have our sweet baby boy in our family!!  Business is booming and I absolutely love the team that I am on and bringing oils into the homes of my friends!!  I love that they get to reap the benefits for their overall Wellness from the oils and cleaning products from Young Living.  I love that they are supporting their emotions, their kids emotions, their body systems, their immune systems, and the air quality inside their homes.  If ever there was something I was passionate about...THIS...this is it!!

Sisters: Finnley is a total rockstar this week.  We've had some serious emotions (thank you White Angelica in the diffuser) and she comes around and is so freakin hilarious.  I cleaned out their closet and put all the too small clothes in a bin to donate and she keeps grabbing out all the bathing suits and insists on putting them on over her clothes.
Ellie is absolutely fantastic.  We're working on her listening to her body while at school and using the restroom...she just doesn't want to miss out on anything. (Sometimes when she gets home I feel like we're having the conversation from Talladega Nights when  they're around the dinner table..)  Regardless, she is rocking it at school, loves her siblings something fierce, and says the funniest things.

previous weeks

Finnley at 15 weeks
Ellie at 15 weeks

♥ Ashley

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♥ Ashley