Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Wednesday Weekly - Week 23

Wow I can't believe that were at 23 weeks already!! That means just three more weeks and the babe is a half year old!!! This week has been one for the books she has really come into herself and we are loving her more and more!!

Week 23

Eats: we've started solids!!! All the praise hands. So far she has tried avocado (miss) banana (hit) green beans (miss - but still forcing) applesauce (win). She's also all about the bottles and I may or may not have given her the tiniest of bites of my Starbucks pumpkin loaf. I still wanted to mention that she is still spitting up - not as much as she used to but we have not passed that stage yet and I am so anxious to be done with it!!  We have also been working on getting her to help hold the bottle with a little bit of success as long as we set her up "just right". 

Sleeps: so for a while (maybe a week or two) Finnley babe has decided that a middle of the night wake up was necessary. In our laziness and desire for our own sleep we'd get her a bottle and feed her in our bed and then promptly fall back asleep...with her co-sleeping. But after two weeks enough was enough, I finally ordered the blackout curtains (because baby likes it dark) and we moved Ellie's monitor (which she was not happy about) into Finnley's room. On Sunday she took her first nap and we had her sleep in her room for the night. She woke up and we just turned the monitor off and she settled herself back down to sleep until a more appropriate time of 5:30am. We've been doing that for the last few days and hopefully she'll start sleeping through again!! Naps are generally pretty good and this week I am going to start unswaddleing her. 

Does: we've been working hard core on getting girlfriend to sit on her own and she can now do it for about 15-20 seconds at a time. The more we do it the better she'll get. She's all about smiling and has made major improvements on her tummy time attitude. We've had a few more giggles though they have mainly been from Ellie's shenanigans...we'll take it because her laugh is the best thing ever. I was also able to get her to take a paci on Sunday and that was the bees knees...haven't had much success since but we're still trying. 

Goes: all the same places but she's been mostly joining us via ergo though this week we started using the stroller more and she seems so much more comfortable (must be from tummy time and sitting practice). We went on a nature scavenger hunt and couple of new parks and then just the regular suspects. Oh and a trip to target where she because Kylo Ren!

Loves: big sis is her favorite - she always gives her the giggles. She's enjoying her new car seat and just being a part of all the fun. Toys are becoming more attractive and she loves her Sola goat, which make us goat farmers very pleased. 

Mama: this week was the best and I am just loving seeing Finnley's little personality emerge and that she is starting to hang and participate more! These days are just going to keep on getting better...especially now that we have our room to ourselves and can start sleeping again ;)

Sister: holy moly these two are so cute. I am constantly finding them holding hands in the car when it's time to get out and that is just too precious. I think it's safe to say that they are both obsessed with each other, just Ellie is able to express it more. These two are just the best!!

Ellie at 23 Weeks

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♥ Ashley