It's hard to believe that we are at 20 weeks. That just blows my mind! Little or I should say not so little Finnley is growing, smiling, and had a bit of a rough week, but I think we've rounded the bend and she's on to a better attitude.
Week 20
Eats: y'all I am <> this close to wanting to start feeding her solids!! (actually I tried an avocado the other day...she just spit it right out) but I know that we will probably start a bit sooner than we did with Ellie, here's to hoping miss thang starts sitting on her own pretty soon. She is still just on formula and taking in around 24 ounces or more a day. She is more of a cluster feeder and can go pretty long stretches between feedings but then wants to eat a lot while other times she just wants a light snack, it's hard to gauge what she wants.
Sleeps: naps were totes off this week and it was awful. Girlfriend regressed to taking 3 or 4 naps lasting only about 45 minutes each. It may or may not have had something to do with her shots she got at her appointment on Thursday, but I am hoping that she will get back into the groove we had before. Mama loves naptime!! Despite her lack of napping she is still rocking the night sleep of around 10 hours so I suppose I can't complain too much.
Does: Finnley loves to put weight on her legs and stand up, she is playing with her toys and sticking lots of them in her mouth. She is super observant and watches everything that is going on. She gets extremely entertained by the dogs and is the queen of smiles. She is still crying like a banshee and spits up at least once a day, hopefully she's almost grown out of that.
Loves: the puppy dogs, Ellie, Mama, toys, singing songs, and going in the Ergo or Solly. Finn has also become fascinated with my phone case cover which has come in handy for taking pictures.
Goes: we went on many adventures this week. Nanny and Papa put an offer down on a house in the middle of our state so on Saturday we made a road trip over to check it out during the inspection. We went on the swings at our nanny house, made a trip up North to the American Girl Place and to the Botanical Gardens right next to where we got married! Ellie had a blast pushing Finnley around in the stroller and we enjoyed just being with our girls. We also made a trip to watch Dada coach tennis practice and Ellie got a couple of hits in...Finnley was totes content just watching but I'm sure is looking forward to participating soon!!
Of Note: girlfriend had her 4 month appointment on Thursday and she is getting huge!! She measured in at 27 1/4 inches, and just for comparison sake Ellie was 28 inches at 12 months!! So needless to say she was off the charts on her height, and she came in around 80-90% for her weight at around 15 pounds. She got her shots and an oral and did fairly well. Like I mentioned above her napping has been off but I'm hoping that was just a side effect of her immunizations and that she'll soon be back to a better nap schedule. Most of the time she is pretty chill but she has her parts of the day (usually between 3-5pm) where we cannot set her down...I am hoping it's a phase and she grows out of it, like yesterday would be nice. She is also having some strange moments with Thomas in the evenings, she loves him and smiles all morning and day with him but when the witching hour comes only Mama will do. It's actually kind of comical because she will be crying with him and the second she gets in my arms she gets a huge smile, or if he's holding her and she cries he tries to calm her down and then if I say anything she starts crying again. We know its just a phase and she will probably get over it in a few days. It's only been happening since Sunday so it hasn't been too bad.
Mama: I am seriously soaking up all this time I get to have with my girls. I was thinking the other day how I didn't get to have this time with Ellie because I was teaching and how grateful I am to be home now. Finnley is totally a Mama's girl and secretly I love it! It's probably a good thing too because I'm with her all day so she better like me, but it's just the best. The girls and I had a special Mama and Daughters Day, we went to the mall without a stroller and I had to carry both of them. It was so fun getting to have that day together and I am looking forward to many more MADs days and even MADs trips in the future!!
Sister: Ellie is still in love with her sister and it is adorable. I just love watching these two together and Ellie is super ready for Finnley to start being more interactive. She keeps telling Finnley "You need to crawl" so I am pretty confident that they're going to become the greatest of friends. Also this week's photo shoot was full of so many great shots that it was super hard to choose just enjoy the highlights!!