This weekend was a good weekend to be Ellie. It's making memories like these that I love being a Mama - and that Ellie is getting just a bit older to really enjoy these activities! I love Fall and all the fun things that get incorporated into October, I mean can it really get any better than Pumpkins? (well yes, Christmas Trees but we're not there yet).
On Friday:
Ellie had her very first field trip!! We went to the Pumpkin Patch, listened to a speaker about growing pumpkins, went on a tractor ride, and got to pick out a pumpkin! After that Ellie and I wandered around to check out the Halloween stuff in the shop, to see the farm animals in the barn, and got to milk a cow! (it was a pretend cow but fun nonetheless)
We made our way home via the grocery store to pick up a few last minute items for that night's supper club and then home for the girls to take their naps!
After naps, Thomas took the girls out to dinner with Nanny and Papa and I got everything ready for my girls night!
It was so fun and we got right into the food that I didn't even take pictures. We had Pot Roast, roasted Butternut Squash, and Mashed Potatoes. It was so good. I used the same recipe I have been using for years, except this time I made it in the crock pot and now I will forever do it that way!
Thomas and the girls arrived home and Ellie was our entertainment for the night. She is such a crack up and I love her to death...Finnley melted everyone's hearts with her smile.
On Saturday:
Thomas let me sleep in while he spend time with the girls in the morning, Ellie took a bath and then he was off to help his parents move some of their stuff to their new house! The girls and I hung out around the house for a little bit and then got ready to go.
We had quite the busy day! I was hoping that we would be able to make it to World Market but by the time we got down to that area it was 10 minutes before IKEA was due to open so we scratched Cost Plus and went to IKEA!! I've never been to there right at opening and peeps are just cray cray yo. Anyways we had a successful trip with a stop at the cafeteria for "lunch" (at 10:30am), I grabbed a few pillow cases and Ellie was bound and determined to get a kitchen scrubber and who am I to deny a child who wants to clean? After we checked out Ellie got herself an ice cream cone and was one happy girl.

We left IKEA to head to the pumpkin patch to meet up with Ellie's cousins...except I went to the wrong one and we ended up being 30 minutes late!! When we finally got there the parking lot was complete was the whole place...and Ellie was beside herself excited to see her cousins!! There was hugging, screaming, and jumping all around. They splashed in muddy puddles, picked out some pumpkins, went through a strawbale maze, and checked out some farm animals - Ellie's favorite were the pigs, and now I have to figure out how I'm going to explain to her that we just can't get a pig ;) (although I did have a pot bellied pig when I was growing up!). They also had a corn pit and that was hands down the best activity spot for the girls. They had so much fun. We stayed a little too late and the snacks I packed actually didn't make it into the bag so we were on our way in the fast lane to meltdown city, on the way out of the parking lot Ellie lost it because she said "I forgot to say bye and give kisses!!"

We arrived home and had some lunch then I got the girls down for their naps. While they were down for naps I put out my IKEA findings and then headed out to farm to finish up my big farm chore...scooping
all the poop. Then it was time for Ellie's nap to be over and Finnley woke up too. Ellie did her chores (feeding the dogs and the new one of helping with the laundry), Finnley ate some
Puffs and we played and played and watched some shows waiting for Dada to arrive home.
Striped and Grey Wreath Pillow Cover (
IKEA) Goat Pillow (
Coral Paisley Pillows from HomeGoods (
similar) Grey Knit pillow from IKEA (
similar) Grey Pillow (
Jams (on sale now!)
Before Dada made it home Ellie wanted to dress up in her Belle dress and
then I got to be her "prince" and we danced around the house to some
lovely music from her piano! When Dada got home he was her Prince and I
became her Beast! We had some dinner and family time and then off to
On Sunday:
We woke up for a semi-lazy morning and it was so nice to get to have coffee with Thomas!! Finnley woke up pretty early and fell asleep in her
lounger for a quick nap while we tried to keep Ellie quiet ;) Once Finnley woke up we decided to head out to the mall a little earlier than planned (I scheduled the girls for Halloween pictures) and made a stop at Sears to see if we could fix my garage door opener...first world probs. Our first stop though was to Panera and Ellie wanted a Pumpkin sugar cookie, of which she ate one bite.
After Panera and Sears we still had time to kill so we played for a while at the playland at the mall. It's one of Ellie's favorite spots and I love it too because it's free and indoors!!! Although sometimes the other kiddos in there can be crazy and their parents aren't watching/monitoring so it can be a bit stressful at times. I also went totally out of my comfort zone and let Finnley sit and lay on the ground...I guess that's what happens with the second child ;) Both girls loved it, so we did too!
When it was time for pictures we headed on over and then Finnley had a meltdown because she was super tired. We were able to manage a couple good photos and then one where she is a complete mess and it might by my favorite! haha Girlfriend didn't even make it to the car before she fell asleep so we went on home for Ellie's lunch and naps. While the girls were napping I headed back out to finish up my farm chores...and I did it!!! I am all caught up on cleaning the if only I can stay on top of it - winter and rain is the worst.
When Ellie woke up from her nap I got her dressed into her costume and we headed to our church for their Carnival/Harvest Party put on by the morning MOPs group. Ellie was a Minnie Mouse Witch and I am in love with her costume!! She had fun playing the games, jumping in the bounce house, doing the obstacle course, and getting her hand painted.
jumping in the bounce house is tiring...
We got home from the carnival and the weather was still holding out so girlfriend wanted to ride on her bike. All I could think of when she was riding in her witch costume was of the tornado scene in The Wizard of Oz with the Neighbor/Wicked Witch riding her bike!!! and if you know me the Wicked Witch is my most favorite villain of all time. While Ellie was out riding bikes with Thomas, I was inside with Finnley getting dinner ready. We had left overs from Supper Club so I threw it all in a pot with some beef broth and made Pot Roast Soup, it was delish. We finished out the night with The Walking Dead...OH MY GOD!!!!
How was your weekend?
♥ Ashley