Wow!! I can't believe how close we are getting to this little babe being a ONE year old!! She still is not walking but totally making the moves towards getting there!! I am hoping that she starts that soon because I love it when the babes can walk - it's my favorite. We had ourselves another busy week and I am just soaking up all of these last few weeks of her being a "baby"
Week 47
Eats: I've been relying heavily on the bottles this week and with her birthday looming and the hopes of transitioning away from the bottles I better start getting her to eat some more solids. But the bottles are just so easy!!! I love that she can hold them herself and this came in very handy the other day when we had to venture into Costco right when she was I improvised for multitasking!! I can't believe how much praise and laughs I received walking through the store like this...but I am sure there were just as many judging eyes (though I tried to not make eye contact with anyone).
Sleeps: well it looks as if the babe is sleeping about 11 hours at night and still takes about 2 naps a day. One is usually about 45 minutes while the other borders on 2-2.5 hours. She is sleeping in the car seat, in the crib, in the bed at the hotel, and in a pack'n'play. I love that she is getting to be an "easy" sleeper and that really helps us since we love to travel and go places!

Goes: I feel like the Finn has been just about everywhere this week! We've been to the mall play area (gotta love free indoor play areas), to the library for play time, and we made a road trip up to Vancouver, BC!! In Vancouver we shopped, dined, parked and beached and this babe had her go with the flow attitude the whole time!!
Does: Finnley is pulling up on everything, she is starting to cruise and is working on standing up on her own!! She can stand for at least 5 seconds (maybe longer?) on her own...although I still have yet to get a picture of it. She also cut her 7th tooth this week while we were in Canada and I am just loving all of her progression!! Oh and she is also putting all the things in her mouth, and of course her favorite thing is paper!! Why oh why do babes love paper in their mouths so much? I also love how she is playing and interacting with all the toys - for some reason I don't really remember Ellie doing that so much.
Sister: Ellie is loving her sister so much. They are both wanting to play with each other more and more and I just love it. I am hoping that they continue to be friends and love each other all the time - I know there will be fights and disagreements but I just hope that I can foster a good relationship for them!
♥ Ashley
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Ellie at 47 weeks
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fourtyone fourtytwo fourtythree fourtyfour fourtyfive fourtysix Ellie at 47 weeks
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♥ Ashley